


My name is Kelsey and I am married to my Prince Charming. We have two precious daughters. I have an eight year old yorkie who is totally spoiled . His name is Eli.
My degree is in ultrasound, but currently I’m a stay at home mama.

Our family lives in Alabama but don’t let that fool you, I am from the country and talk like it too!

I also sing all the time, and worship is when I feel the most connected with God.

I love God with my whole heart and he is changing me each and every day with every new failure and every new trial and every joyful thing he gives me knowing I don’t deserve it. What a gracious Heavenly Father we serve!

My favorite color is yellow. I love all things sweet and we are all about D.I.Y and thriftiness in my house!

My favorite book of the Bible is James and my favorite verse is James 1:2-3 “Count it all joy my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”


Tara McAdam

Meet one of the hosts behind the Sweet Tea + Jesus Podcast...


Hey Ya'll! My name is Tara McAdam (@tara_mcadam). I currently live in Florida. I am married to my best friend Jeremy and we have three kids and one on the way. 

There are so many things that God created that I love. I love his son Jesus. I love my precious family. I love to travel.  I love the beach. I love all foods except spicy. I love to go shopping. I love coffee.I love kayaking. I love horse riding. I love photography. I love meeting new people. I love watching movies such as: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, and so much more. I love to go on family walks. I want to go sky diving one day and learn to scuba dive. I love birds of all kinds. I love to paint.  I love to play board games. 

My favorite book in the Bible is the book of Hebrews. My favorite verses in the Bible are 2 Peter 1:3-11.